Our History
Who we are
We are an Association of Combat Veterans from all branches of the United States Armed Forces who ride motorcycles as a hobby. As a registered 501(c)(19) veterans’ charity, our mission is to support and protect those who have defended our country and our freedoms. Our focus is to provide assistance and help to individual veterans, veteran care facilities, other veteran organizations and registered charities. We sponsor and participate in many veteran-related motorcycle (and other) charity events each year, and as a non-profit organization, donate to various veteran causes.

What we do
Our membership is comprised of Full Members (those with verified combat service), Supporter Members (those who have non-combat military service and have a strong dedication to helping veterans), and Auxiliary Members (Spouses of both Full and Support members). We have members from all 50 states and numerous countries abroad, including combat areas.
Please note that we are an ASSOCIATION and NOT a MOTORCYCLE CLUB (MC). Although we may be in a geographic area, we do not claim territory. We do not have a club house. We do not wear cuts or colors, but rather vests. The patch on our back is one piece.
In A Nutshell
In 1999, the Combat Vets Motorcycle Club was introduced to the internet. Up until the first part of 2001 many of us were led to believe it was a true and established motorcycle organization. Through many turns of events it was found out that CVMC was an internet scam to milk money from Combat Veterans. In the early months of 2001, many of the members found this scam out and alerted one another. Since we were all interested in the issues of Veterans, 45 members decided to form a Combat Veterans Association®. After this was decided, the birth of CVMA® appeared as a nonprofit Association on or about May 1st, 2001. With this newly achieved status, we would be able to continue with our main objective which is helping Veterans. The 2 main things that brought us together was motorcycle riding and being Veterans from Combat zones or theaters. The original 45 members have adopted a patch to wear indicating that they are the original founding fathers of CVMA®.
It would not be until communication through the listed e-mail recipients, approximately 50, questions began to arise of the legitimacy of the club. Finally, after the leader named “Iceman” from Alabama stood members up going to the wall, it was concluded to be an internet scam which milked thousands of dollars from veterans. DaddyDawg received contact information in the mail and Iceman was never heard from again.
In May of 2001, the CVMA® adopted the CVMA®/VFW patch. This was done with the VFW®'s permission as all CVMA® members were, or became, VFW members and entitled to wear the VFW patch. Over the next year and a half, the CVMA® was well accepted at Post and Division levels with the VFW. Many meetings, conversations and letters over this period with the VFW National always sounded positive but with no results of developing a relationship.
On September 1, 2001 after submitting Articles of Incorporation , we were granted official status by the State of Missouri. In December 2002, the CVMA membership voted to move on towards the Association it wanted to be. Along with this, VFW membership was no longer required, thus opening the CVMA® up to all Combat Veterans who
ride a motorcycle.
On December 15, 2002 it was voted that the CVMA® would wear a combination of the CVMA® background and the old skull logo as a one-piece patch. Membership requirements became that a new member had to be a Combat Veteran and ride a motorcycle as a hobby. This patch is worn by Full Combat Members only.
Very late in 1999 and early 2000 several folks searched the internet for veterans motorcycle type groups. Posted on the internet was The Combat Veterans Motorcycle Club. Curiosity followed and several folks joined. Advertised to join fellow veterans from across the USA, members would have no prospect time as your time in combat served as the catalyst for your membership. The only requirement was to make the “Ride to the Wall” Memorial Day event at the Vietnam National Monument. Send a copy of your DD214 for proof of combat and $200. This patch would soon arrive in the mail.
Our Patch coming into being
In several talks both “Gunner” and “Whiskey Joe” mention that other MCs across the states did not like our patch and as a result, members in California and Arizona were corrected. “Gunner “even states at a rally in Missouri he was circled by a club and told to remove the patch, or it would be removed. Ideas started to develop in changing the patch towards an association.
In summer of 2001 the CVMA® adopted the CVMA/VFW style patch. In an attempt to be more accepted in the motorcycle and veteran community the CVMA® replaced the skull with the VFW Maltese Cross. A block print yellow font replaced the Oriental yellow font with green background.
This was done with the VFW's ok as all CVMA® members were or became VFW members and entitled to wear the VFW patch. Over the next year and a half, the CVMA® was accepted at Post and Division levels with the VFW. Many meetings, conversations and letters over this period with the VFW National always sounded positive but with no results of developing a relationship. FM 89 Bob “Dustoff” Clements from Colorado had sent forward a letter to the VFW Headquarters to gain final approval but was denied in November 2002. The VFW was not interested in helping veterans the way that the CVMA® had desired The CVMA® was tired of the run around so in Dec 2002 it was voted to do away with the VFW Maltese Cross and it was replaced with the CVMC Skull and spade as the original CVMC.
In December 2002, the CVMA® membership voted to move on to become the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association®. Along with this, VFW membership was no longer required; thus, opening the CVMA up to all Combat Veterans who ride a motorcycle.
Back to the drawing board. After many ideas about the design of a patch, the President “DaddyDawg”, came up with the final design we know today. Remove the VFW Maltese Cross and replace with the original skull and spade. Remember that early on, all members had the same patch.
Originally membership was Full members (those with Combat Service), Auxiliary Members (Spouses ), Honorary Members (those with Military Service but no combat) and Support Members (friends and family ) Again, everyone had a large size backpatch.
At the 2003 National meeting it was voted to ban the Supporter (family and friends) backpatch, those members with the large one would be grandfathered. From now on a Supporter could wear the small patch on the front of the vest only.
At the 2005 Nationals they voted to bring back a large Supporter backpatch, but criteria changed for those that served in the military who had no combat service. Auxiliary and Support could now wear a smaller 10” backpatch and all non-military supporters are allowed to wear the small patch on front of vest. All existing large Support and Auxiliary patches are grandfathered in, no new large ones would be produced.
At the 2007 Nationals all Auxiliary were removed from rolls and placed in their own Auxiliary organization. Per IRS the Aux can only be a legal spouse of a member. All other Aux will be grandfathered as honorary members. The only honorary members are those moved from Aux or Sup status, no further honorary members would be made.